Tuesday, January 26, 2010

something which annoyed me

something which annoyed me today.

Got told behind my back (literally) by some PLC girl sitting behind us that joey and I were like three year olds.
but lets start at the beginning.

Today, I attended the last day of the MedEntry workshop with Joey, Amy and Zil.
anyway, for those of you who know and for those of you who don't, joey has a very... creative you could say.. (for lack of a better word) pacer in the form of a needle.
And me being me and Joey being her, and since we were at a lecture about med, we found that this pacer was very appropriate for the occasion :).
so we were being silly, and having a bit of a laugh during the 5 min break, and basically giving each other "injections". harmless stuff really. harmless in the sense that we weren't harming ourselves and weren't harming anyone around us.
anyway there were these 2 girls sitting behind us, who I thought at first were having a laugh with us. but as it turned out, they were actually having a laugh at us. So Joey and I ignored it, as you do with people who don't deserve your attention. But eventually their laughter sounded more like snickering and one girl said loudly enough for us to hear. "they're like three year olds".
i pretended i didn't hear them. but soon after we stopped what we were doing anyway.

if it had been in another situation, i would have turned around and asked them if they would like to say that again to my face.
I find there is nothing worse with people who talk behind your back, and intentionally do so for you to hear.
I wish I could have told her that before she calls others "three year olds" to consider her own maturity level. Seeing as true maturity lies not in judging what others do but rather in what you do in turn. which obviously was at the time putting joey and i down to feign her own superiority.
what irritates me, is that Joey and I weren't even doing anything that was harming anyone else. Sure we were being a little immature, and yes we were having a laugh at each other but in all seriousness there was no need for her to belittle us, or devalue us. I just wished some people would be "mature" enough to appreciate that, and perhaps not view others in such a critical light.

Maybe I'm wrong for judging them too. Perhaps they do have a maturity level beyond me and joey. I admit, I can be pretty immature at times, but I wouldn't have insulted complete strangers from behind. There's just no need for that... right? I surely would not me immature to the extent where i was hurting another person.
what i do know, is that I wouldn't want my future doctor to judge me, or treat me with the condescension we were viewed with today.

ironically, what we learnt today was a perfect example of how one should view others.

How we view the world is a reflection of ourselves...

So in light of what others do, I think we shouldn't judge. i judge people alot. I know i do and i really hate it. because i know from experience that i'm usually wrong. in a way I'm glad neither Joey nor I retaliated to their uncalled for remark. It would have definitely lowered us to the same level as the girls sitting behind us.


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