Thursday, December 24, 2009


ok, late update.
i meant to do this a while ago.. but holidays can get really busy..
i dont even know what ive been doing these last few days... weeks..
where did all my time go?!
yeh i've been wasting time..
at first i was telling myself to take a break and just relax.. and now its so hard to get into the mood to work.

worried. but in denial about all this work.
i WANT to do it. but i can't do it..
can't bring myself to write that essay,
and do those responses to belonging..
its mainly just english work.
i mean i procrastinate from doing english by doing chem or maths or ancient.
which are the only other three subjecst i have.
and right now im procrastinating from that by writing this.

when will i ever bring myself to doing work again.
and that 1500 word crime fiction story that has to get down is like a storm cloud hanging over my head... ALL THE TIME!
just this constant, looming... depressive... presence. that won't go away until i write it
except i feel so unprepared... so ignorant..
how can i write it when i feel as though i dont even know anything about crime fiction yet?!

ok.. i'm going to do some chemistry.. to try get rid of this guilty feeling.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Death of a Social Life.

today in english i realised that christmas holiday is no longer a holiday.
oh well. atleast, i still have a bludge day tmr, and i still have the christmas party and beach outing to look forward too!
and i would like to organise some study dates with anyone in my english class, and write our essays together or do our practice responses :) that way atleast i have friends to be depressed with.
no really its not that bad. im just being melodramatic.
I am going to make sure to do some things for me. just me. :)
and a HUGE thankyou to Kirsten.
I was so touched by ur thoughtful presents today, you are one of the most generous, beautiful people I have been lucky enough to know, thankyou so much for being a part of my life :) and goodluck to you me and chloe tmr on stage.
(can i wish myself goodluck? or is that just weird?)
Yay im going to have jam on my toast tmr for brekkie ;D

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A special gift

I came home from school today, and found dry ice evaporating away in our drive way.

turns out that my dad brought home a box of dry ice from the operation today.

and inside used to be a bone.

Tibia. the one down the side of your shin.

so awesome. he did a bone replacement. well not my dad... he was one of the nurses in the operation.

But, earlier today someone died, and chose to donote a part of their body, and because of that, an operation took place at Royal Northshore Private.

isn't it amazing how things link together? how one person's decision can change another person's life?

I sort of feel like I have had a small part in this, because now the box which once held the bone is sitting in our front yard.

if only i wasn't so uncomfortable with bodily fluids, and cut open veins.

I would love to one day be brave enough to operate.


Saturday, December 5, 2009

3am in the morning

stayed up to 3 am in the morning.
wrote 14 pages of chem notes.
woke up feeling strangely unsatiated by work.
re-engerised but ravenous.
12:41 pm
going to make myself a ginormous breakfast now :)


Friday, December 4, 2009

things that make me sad.

here's something that hurts me inside.
heres something that makes me quite sad.

never is a long time.
& us not having a proper conversation ever again,
scares me.
I won't think about it anymore.
I know i always acted like i was indifferent to you.

I wasn't.

too late now.


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Mr Worry.

I realised that I am a BIG time worrier. Actaully I've known this for quite some time now. I worry about big things, and when i dont have bing things to worry about, i end up subconciously finding little things to worry about instead.
will someone please get me a chill-pill?
