Saturday, March 27, 2010


two days after half yearlies are over and done with.

last night i got all the candles out
and had an hour of darkness for the earth :)
but for most of it, we went and walked coco with dad and tina
its nice walking at night.
its quiet, serene.
spent some time just lying in the middle of the oval behind my house.
reminded me of the time i was on duke of ed, and i saw the most beautiful night sky i had ever seen.
the sky was literally filled with stars.

it was like God had taken a cup of stars and poured it on the sky.
never seen anything quite like that night.
well last night i was lying there on that oval, i got six mozzie bites.
and no i didnt see that sky, but i have never been that relaxed in a long time.
i was so happy.
no happy 's not the word.. more like content
just so content and appreciative of everything i had.
so glad that i had the opportunities to do what i want to do
and go to school
and even do the half yearlies
and just everything!
i had a silent d&m by myself lying on that empty oval last night at 9.
until coco came and slobbered all over my face. haha

this is how i destress.

put on a facial. :)

trim my fringe

pluck my eyebrows.. damn they're growing back again...

first paint my nails with three coats of polish :)

then paint my toe nails with two of something bright

might go for another run later with COCO :)

cooking dinner with my mum is so enjoyable when i know there is no essay that needs to get written.

life doesnt get any better than this.

saw a scarf at SABA.

the cosiest woollen scarf ever.

and the wool wasn't prickly!

except it was $99..

so.. i guess i'm not going to be getting that scarf for winter..

lol everytime winter comes around i feel like getting a new scarf..


actually sorta looking forward to winter.

i like winter uniform.

am i the only one not that excited to get the year 12 jersey?

hmm i kinda like the way our vest looks with the winter uniform.

sorry that was just a stream of conciousness.
this is what happens when i blog without anything to blog about.


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