Friday, November 12, 2010

a matter of Asian identity

case 1.
I was sitting in chatswood chase food court with friends a few days ago when an elderly asian lady walks up to me and asks if I'm japanese. Naturally I assume she's looking for directions so I reply no I'm not but Lynn (who was sitting next to me) can speak Japanese. so she goes to lynn and asks do you want to rent a room?
*confused and awkward silence* and we're like no... and lynn says we live here (in her polite lynn-way) and the little old lady asks again "so you don't want to rent a room"
yeh... i'm sure she was just a harmless old lady but it was kinda out of the blue. For a moment I thought she was a family friend who I'd forgotten or something. apparently not.

case 2.
job hunting can be a little nerve racking, and whilst i was walking through Chatswood westfield and Chase today, I realised that certain stores look for certain types of people. types of people that talk a certain way, move a certain way, dress a certain way. let me give you an example. Alannah Hill; skinny girls, wearing whimsical clothing and doll makeup. Boost; bubbly, extroverts. (I didnt apply at either of these places). Instead one of the places where i went to hand in a resume was at a sushi bar. I thought ok, i'm asian, they're asian. this shouldnt be too bad. they were really busy, which is understandable cos it was like around lunch time (hint: don't hand resumes to food places and cafes during lunch time) but i had plenty of time so i waited. when the customer flow died down a little. i walked up to the counter agaiin, and one of the asian lady's looks and me then hurriedly asks the asian guy making the sushi. who then shouts a hello to me in korean, and so i reply. sorry i don't speak korean. and then the guy kinda frowns and shakes his head at the lady (by then i obviously got the message) and so she comes over to me and says "sorry korean only".

case 3.
went to an italian restuarant last night for Tina's end of year basketball dinner. and as we come down the stairs two (rather large) Italian men, look me and my sister up and down and then say to my dad. "you have beautiful girls" and then adds "chinese people love Italian food". I almost asked him "do Italian people love Chinese food?"

case 4.
I was walking through Chatswood westfield today by myself and some middle aged european man starts walking beside me. he says the usual, you know "beautiful weather blah blah blah blah"
random "where are you from?"
me "I live here" *quickens pace*
random "oh you live here.. are you japanese?"
me "I'm not japanese"
random "oh you look japanese"
me *turns into Seduce*
was i panicky for no reason? what do you guys do when middle aged/old men make small talk. do i assume too early?
i don't know. it makes me feel intensely awkward.
and do i really look japanese?

1 comment:

  1. LOOOL
    I can relate to this post
    HAHA at the Euro man walking beside you
