Thursday, October 28, 2010

train moments with strangers

today was a nice day :)
english ext went better than maths ext yesterday, so i really can't complain.
am I the only one who liked the creative better than the essay question?
everyone walked out saying how good the essay question was..
and i agree it wasn't as bad as i expected, but I didn't seem to engage with it all that well.
I didn't get that feeling where it just clicks, and you get into it.
oh well! :) just glad that its over.
now what do i do with all these essays?
i feel bad just chucking it away...

i like catching trains by myself. but don't start avoiding me on the train.. that's not what i mean.
it's just sometimes i enjoy just sitting there on the train, and not thinking about anything. and because hornsby to chatswood or visa versa is a good 30 minutes or so, it's nice to sometimes watch people go on and off. The best thing (well not reaaaally the BEST thing..) is when you sorta smile at a stranger and they smile back. (am i the biggest cheese or what). stop trying to imagine me sitting there and just smiling at randoms, it's true i probably do look like the world's biggest loser on city rail. so today i was sitting on the train heading back to chatswood, and as usual the semi-automatic sliding doors between compartments was broken, and you suddenly notice that it's really loud when the train starts moving. So there's this private girl sitting opposite me. probably in year 10 (total guess). and i know we are both thinking the same thing. damn you over-priced public transport system with faulty doors. so i get up, and with much struggling, i pull the doors closed. THEN two stops later, of course, people get on the train, and find all of a sudden that this carriage is not at all to their fancy, and must instead move to the adjacent carriage, through the faulty doors, and (of course) leaving said unclosing doors open. the noise returns. so there i am thinking. bugger it, someone's just going to walk through them again, i might as well just put up with the noise. but instead the girl opposite me, following my example goes and closes it, turns around and smiles at me. it was such a nice thing. i don't even know why. but when strangers do things for you that they really didn't have to, it just makes my day. That is my favourite thing about public transport. For half an hour of your day, your life comes into contact with another person, who you may never see again. someone who you will probably never know the name of. or care if they have an accident later that day, or spill coffee down their shirt. There's so much unspoken-ness on public transport. and i guess when you smile at someone, and they smile back it's just, nice. nice to know that an absolute stranger just said hi, "goodmorning to you to, i hope you have a good day" without saying a word at all. That makes me smile :)

second nice encounter today was in sportsgirl chatswood. sportsgirl chatswood and i share a strange relationship. it's sort of the place where i go after an exam. 9/10 times i won't buy anything, but it sort of tops off a nice, ordinary day. today after i got off at chatswood. i walk into sg, and im browsing around, and this bubbly shop assistant approaches me, and she says "I almost didn't recognise that uniform", and what do you know! she was a hornsby girl in '06. so we had a nice chat, about school and exams and being gradually numbed by the hsc. and it was just so sweet of her to come over and say hi.

then i walked home feeling like nothing could dampen my spirits. (no i truly did) not even when i got to the front door realised that i had no keys to actually get inside the house. mum was asleep from her night shifts, and dad was at work and tina wasnt going to get home till like 4. and it was not even 1:30 yet. so i sat on the door step, still just as happy, until dad called me to ask how my exam went and i told him that i couldnt get inside the house. In the end i managed to get in, by building a tower out of various buckets, spare pots and a mini table that i found in our front yard. I ended up breaking the bucket, by jumping on it, but on the plus side i got over the fence. kudos for me. Coco thought i was playing some game, so she was jumping up and down at the bottom of the fence, whilst i was hanging on for my dear life at the top. note to self: house keys.

then i went and walked coco, i ended up at the park for two hours :)
and that was pretty much my day.
my leg is sore from all this physical exertion. can't bring self to study, eurgh.

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