Wednesday, April 7, 2010


holiday eating habits...
today i have eaten....

3 slices of a french bread stick
with ham
and tomato..
brie cheese..
followed by a glass of milk
followed by a mug of continental soup
later today,
one cheese bread roll
followed by one yogurt
layered with cereal, more yogurt, more cereal, and yes you guessed it more yogurt, and more cereal.
followed by two slices of toast with a can of tuna

and i'll prolly have dinner in about an hour and a half from now.

and the thing is i dont have set meal times anymore except for dinner
i just waltz into the kitchen whenever im hungry and eat whatever i feel like.
which usually means multiple things because i want to eat them all.

oh well.
i might as well stuff myself while my body still lets me.


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