Monday, February 15, 2010

don't you just hate those days when nothing works out?
those days when you wake up and you know from that feeling of dread and weariness that today is not going to be your day.
8: 12 am: realised i lost my train pass which was issued three days ago. and two of those days were during the weekend.
8:30 am : contact ripped. had to throw it away.
8:42: asked mum if she'd seen my train pass, got told reprimanded for being a complete airhead.
8:43: completely lost my apetite. toast is left in the toaster
8:55:. got in the car. late again. told off by dad for always carring stuff in my hands and not putting it in my bag. leads to the fact that i don't have an appropriate school bag. which leads to the fact that i should study hard this year and not worry about looking good.
9:00: ravenous in chemistry first period, so i eat my lunch. no food for the rest of the day.
4:30 : terrible tutoring lesson. i hate mathematical induction of inequalities.
7:00: house is out of electricity. mum goes to work. i turn the electricity back on outside.
8:15: no hot water, cold shower. ):
8:30: taking out contacts. brand new contact rips.
8:40: broke down in front of Tina.
what a crappy day.
but you know what that means right?
tomorrow i'm getting a good day, beacuse i've pretty much had my share of crappiness for this entire week.

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